My name is Vasilii Romanov (for English-speaking audiences I prefer a Latinized form of my first name – Basil). I was born in Leningrad, USSR (now St.Petersburg, Russia) in 1987 and started to study music at the age of 6.

My background includes an Advanced Orchestration course at Juilliard School, NYC (2020-2021), private lessons of piano, music theory, and harmony. As a child, I was a St. Petersburg Radio and Television Children’s Choir member and graduated from art school (clarinet).

I compose, orchestrate and arrange the music of various styles. Since 2008 I have been performing as a singer with my own songs which were marked by several prestigious Russian composer competitions.

Some of my works you can find on the Portfolio page.

I would be glad to ask any questions, just email me (basil at or hit me up using social media (icons you may find at the right top angle of the screen).